How to: Uploading Your Documents

How to: Uploading Your Documents

To upload your documents to Lightmap, follow these simple steps: Step 1: Open your desired space in Lightmap.

Step 2: Once you're in the space, navigate to the Loading. Open a document that you would like to add your documents to. Step 3: To upload a document, simply drag and drop the file onto the Loading. You can upload various document formats such as text files (".txt"), PDFs (".pdf"), and markdown files (".md"). Step 4: If you have multiple documents or even a folder containing several files, you can drop them all at once onto the Loading. Lightmap will automatically create new sub Loading within the space for each file. Step 5: If the folder you're uploading contains subfolders representing a directory structure, Lightmap will reproduce that structure within the document hierarchy of the space. This allows for easy organization and navigation of your Loading. Step 6: Once the files are uploaded, Lightmap's personalized AI Assistant will begin a learning process to gain a deep understanding of your content. This Loading will provide valuable insights and suggestions to enhance your document management experience. That's it! You have successfully uploaded your Loading to Lightmap. Enjoy the seamless organization and powerful AI assistance that Lightmap provides.