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Choose Your Plan and Start Your Journey with AI-Powered Productivity

Select a plan and enjoy a 14-day free trial. No upfront charges – cancel anytime before your trial ends.


Ideal For: Students, writers, and hobbyists exploring productivity tools.

$7.00per month

Billed monthly

Start Free Trial

Plan includes:

Foundational AI-powered automation

500 AI Credits each month

Cloud storage for 2,000 documents

Simplified publishing

Most Popular

Ideal For: Professionals, researchers, and creators scaling their knowledge and output.

$15.00per month

Billed monthly

Start Free Trial

Plan includes:

Everything in Hobby

1,000 AI credits Each Month

Cloud storage for 10,000 documents

SEO-optimized cloud publishing

Advanced tools for research, citations, and semantic search

Your card will only be billed after your free trial ends. Cancel anytime before the trial concludes to avoid charges.

Automate Tasks with AI

Simply ask Lightmap to handle tasks like researching a topic from sources like Wikipedia, writing new documents, summarizing findings, and organizing your files. These are just a few examples of Lightmap's many capabilities.

Deep Integration with Documents

Leverage hashtags such as #MyDocument to create links to specific documents. This allows for precise instructions and seamless interaction with the AI. Lightmap’s AI is aware of your document structure, enabling it to understand context and provide accurate assistance.

Transform Your Workflow with AI Automation

Automate Your Workflow

Lightmap's AI Assistant handles complex tasks, saving time and maximizing productivity.

Enhance Your Creativity

Break through writer's block with AI-powered content generation and creative support.

Organize Your Knowledge

Easily structure and manage your documents with intuitive project spaces.

Make Informed Decisions

Access precise insights with advanced search and query tools at your fingertips.

Boost Productivity

Automate repetitive tasks and focus on what truly matters.


AI Assistant

Document Automation
Analysis with Citations
Research Tooling
Web Crawler

Usage & Limits

Smart Linking
Spaces 15
Document Nodes 2,00010,000
Storage 5 GB20 GB
AI Credits 500 / month1,000 / month

Knowledge Management

Reference Tracking
Semantic Search
Information Hierarchies
Organization Automation

Creativity Tools

Document Editing
AI Co-Writer
Bullet Journal

Cloud Publishing

Simplified Publishing
Search Engine Optimized

Got Questions? We've Got Answers

Lightmap combines advanced AI with intuitive tools to streamline your productivity. The AI Assistant automates repetitive tasks, generates content, and helps you structure knowledge into hierarchical Spaces. It’s the ultimate tool for creative professionals, students, and knowledge workers.
To ensure you can fully explore Lightmap's features, we require users to select a plan at signup. Your chosen plan includes a 14-day free trial, and your credit card will only be billed when the trial ends.
At the end of your 14-day trial, your credit card will be billed for the plan you selected. You can cancel at any time before the trial ends to avoid being charged.
AI Credits power Lightmap's advanced features, including content generation, research, and document organization. Each action costs a small number of credits, ensuring fair and efficient usage.
The Assistant integrates with Wikipedia to extract concise, accurate information on any topic. It can summarize findings into structured documents, providing references for further exploration.
Yes! The Assistant can search the web to gather relevant information for your queries. It provides a curated summary of results and links to the most helpful sources, saving you hours of manual research.
Yes! Lightmap allows you to upload documents such as PDFs, which the AI Assistant can then analyze. This makes it easy to integrate your existing materials into your workflow and access their content quickly.
Lightmap lets you publish documents online with a unique SEO-friendly link, making it easy to share your work with others or create a personal micro wiki.
You can cancel your Lightmap account directly from your subscription settings under the Account menu. To do this, log in to your account, navigate to the Account menu in the bottom-left corner, and select Subscription Settings.
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