AI Assistant Tools and Capabilities
  • In this space
  • Documentation

AI Assistant Tools and Capabilities

Document Search Tool:
Conducts a semantic search for documents in the current space based on the query provided.
Get Document Metadata Tool:
Retrieves high-level information about a specific document, including a link to the document and an excerpt from its content.
Query Document Tool:
Analyzes a document and attempts to answer questions posed by the user, providing information contained within the document.
Edit Document Tool:
Edits a document's content based on specific instructions provided, allowing for updates and changes to the document.
Get Backlink Documents Tool:
Provides a list of documents that reference the specified document by its ID, allowing users to track backlinks.
Query Space Tool:
Responds to user queries by analyzing documents in the current project space, providing answers with source document links.
Query Document Directory Tool:
Analyzes the document directory in the space, answering questions and providing information within a specific document or subdirectory.
Web Search Tool (PRO):
Conducts searches on the World Wide Web to retrieve relevant search results based on the query provided.
Get Webpage Content Tool (PRO):
Retrieves the content of a web page by using a web crawler, providing information from external web sources.
Update Channel Title Tool:
Allows the user to update the title of the current chat channel for better organization and context.
Create Document Tool:
Creates a new document in the current space based on provided title and markdown body, adding to the project's knowledge base.
Research Wikipedia Tool:
Conducts research tasks using Wikipedia to gather information, create a new document with research findings, and provide a summary with a link.
Move Document Tool:
Moves a specified document to a new parent document within the space, organizing the document hierarchy efficiently.
Capture User Feedback Tool:
Collects and processes user feedback related to the Lightmap product and user experience, assisting in product improvement.
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